Downloaded some rather good Firefly deck plans.
Trying to finish painting the Battle of the Little Big Horn figures.
For HWM, Chancellorsville seemed too dependent on the Confederate flank march so I chose Antietam (Sharpsburg) instead.
Tried the FMA scenario. It worked fine and I found myself using the role play bits from Risus. This happened even more so in the game at COW.
BOTLBH figures finished. Bought card for the board. Its quite tricky trying to draw the areas on the board, so may not have time to finish this before COW. Didn't, but didn't need it anyway. Bought some black mount board for the Serenity deck plans but didn't have time to mount them. Didn't need them either.
Games played or run at COW:
- Doubloons on the Spanish Main
- Oh Max!
- The Gentlemen Go By
- Rolling Thunder
- Full Metal Anorak (Firefly scenario)
- NATO Brigade Commander
- Basra
- Stonk
- High Water Mark (Antietam)
A very good weekend (if a little sleepless!). Now to write up the onside and offside reports.
Awaiting publication of “the book”, any time now...
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